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Mini-Map of Sweden with marker at Vellinge Kommun


Town on the Falsterbo Canal

The town Höllviken is located at the entrance of the peninsula Falsterbonäset, a popular tourist destination. Höllviken with its approximately 11,000 inhabitants is by far the largest town of the municipality of Vellinge.

Höllviken is especially known for its beautiful sandy beaches and the Falsterbokanalen (Falsterbo Canal); the gateway to the peninsula Falsterbonäset. Due to its proximity to the city of Malmö, the area also serves as a recreational area of the city slickers, which caused a large number of visitors at the beaches especially on hot summer weekends.

The western city limit is formed by the Falsterbokanalen and the neighboring village Ljunghusen. To the south, there is the affiliated district Kämpinge with the homonymous bay.

History of Höllviken

With the completion of the railway line Vellinge-Skanör/Falsterbo in 1904 and the establishment of a separate station in Höllviken in 1910, the number of summer vacationers in the area has increased. To preserve the extensive coastal forest with its beach pines, the permissions to erect summer cottages were limited in those days.

During the Second World War, Höllviken was an important area for shipping and trade. After several unsuccessful attempts in the past, the old idea of a canal crossing the peninsula had finally been realized. A circumnavigation of the Falsterbo peninsula was hardly been possible due of German minefields.

After the war, the population grew strong and Höllviken has remained a very popular holiday destination to this day. The town was renamed in Höllviksnäs in 1944 to avoid confusion with the town Hörviken. Due to the unpopularity of this new name, the city was renamed in the late 1990s, again in Höllviken.

Weather in Höllviken

14.2 °C

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