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Labro Ängars Naturreservat 2020
Labro Ängars Naturreservat 2020 | Photo: Stefanie Schlosser
Mini-Map of Sweden with marker at Nyköpings Kommun

Labro Ängars Naturreservat

Nature reserve in Nyköping

Labro Ängars Naturreservat is a 153-hectare nature reserve in Nyköping. It is located on the eastern outskirts of the city in the Bryngelstorp district, on the coast of the municipality of Nyköpings Kommun.

Large parts of Labro Ängars Naturreservat are allotted to the water areas of the bay of Sjösafjärden. The other parts of the nature reserve are a slightly hilly landscape with wide beach meadows.

A number of hiking trails suitable for long walks lead through the nature reserve, which was established in 2003. At several places there are resting places in the nature. The highlight is the bird observation tower in the centre of Labro Ängar. From the observation deck, you can enjoy a view over large parts of the nature reserve and observe up to 200 different species of birds per year.

Frequent representatives of the bird life are northern lapwings (Vanellus vanellus), western yellow wagtails (Motacilla flava) and common redshanks (Tringa totanus). The extensive beach meadows are also home to countless flowers that spread to the edge of the trail. The purple of the blossoms of the bird's-eye primroses (Primula farinosa), field gentians (Gentianella campestris) and mountain everlastings (Antennaria dioica) dominate. This is broken up by a large number of yellow globeflowers (Trollius europaeus).

611 63 Nyköping
58°45′26.0″N 17°5′21.2″E

Activities in Labro Ängars Naturreservat

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Walk at Labro Ängar with focus on history and land use

An educational excursion into the traditional land use of the nutrient-poor meadows, geological forms as witnesses of the last ice age and a species-rich flora and fauna.

Route length: 2.5 km     Duration: 2 Hours     Provider: Sweden Experience Tours

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