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Mini-Map of Sweden with marker at Karlshamns Kommun


Capital of the municipality Karlshamn

The southern Swedish port city Karlshamn on the Baltic Sea is the capital and administrative center of the same named municipality and is situated at the river Mieån. Karlshamn, with an area of approximately 1,300 hectares and 19,000 inhabitants is also the second largest city in Blekinge län, the smallest province in Sweden.

In the downtown of Karlshamn the old chessboard-shaped city planning from the 17th century and many beautiful buildings from this period have been preserved until today. The old wooden houses in Karlshamn stands out from other Swedish cities. The large front doors facing the street are always on the long side of the houses and framed by two wide, different painted wooden pillars.

Karlshamn ultimately became known as a port of emigration. In the 19th century many Swedish emmigrants left their home via this harbour, to escape from hunger and poverty. Between 1848 and 1930, about 1 million Swedes (20% of the then population) emigrated to the USA. The novel The Emigrants by Wilhelm Morberg made the history of the emigrants immortal. At the port is a remembrance of the emigrants, the famous sculpture by Axel Olsson with the representation of Karl-Oskar and Kristina, the main characters from Morbergs novel.

History of Karlshamn

In 1658, slightly after the former Danish territory had finally become Swedish, the Swedish King Carl X Gustav visited the village Bodekull. He found that there existed a good basis for the construction of a large port. Ten years later, the newly built city acquired its current name Karlshamn, municipal rights and a shipyard. All this happened in the original intention to create the homeport of the Swedish fleet.

The plan for the construction of the naval port was ultimately discarded. In 1680, the neighboring Karlskrona won the race for the naval base and the hoped-for state funds for Karlshamn stayed away.

The Karlshamn citizens succeeded well to find alternative sources of income. By the settlement of crafts and trade, Karlshamn developed to a prosperous commercial town. The harbor, still one of the most important in Sweden, contributed his part.

In the 17th century, the so-called Holländarevägen was built with. A direct road to Småland, into the heart of the local iron industry. In the 19th century, the Swedish stimulant industry focused in Karlshamn. Brandy and the world-famous Karlshamn punch, a lot tobacco products, including snus (chewing tobacco) were produced. Similarly, Sweden's largest manufacturer of playing cards had his print shop in Karlshamn.

Weather in Karlshamn

4.2 °C

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