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Mini-Map of Sweden with marker at Karlskrona Kommun


Largest island in the archipelago of Blekinge

Sturkö is the largest island in the archipelago of Blekinge and is located southwest of Karlskrona.

Sturkö island is connected via road bridges with neighboring islands and the mainland. The driving distance from Karlskrona is about 30 kilometers. During the summer months the island is the destination of tour boats during their roundtrips through the archipelago.

Sturkö covers an area of almost 578 hectares and is quite sparsely populated. Only about 1,300 residents are living on the island, that is a population density of just over 2 inhabitants per square kilometer. The island is a very popular destination in the region and you should take a bicycle to explore it and to enjoy its beauty.

The largest village on Sturkö is Kullen on the northern tip of the island, with a grocery store, a nice café and the restored windmill Sturkö Kvarn. To the west lies the smaller island Tjurkö, which is also accessible via a road bridge. Both islands are economically dominated by agriculture and fishing.

In many places of both islands, abandoned quarries testify from a time when paving stones were produced. Tjurkö Stenhuggeri, formerly the largest quarry in Sweden, is located on Tjurkö and provides an impression of earlier methods of stone mining.

The 1,200-meter-wide shipping channel to Karlskrona is located between Tjurkö and the island Aspö. Kungsholms Fort on the west side of Tjurkö and Kastell Drottningskär on the east side of Aspö are large fortifications, which were built to protect the fairway and the naval base in Kalrskrona.

Weather in Sturkö

13.3 °C

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